New Oven!

All of the appliances in our house are getting to that point—where they all need replaced at once.   We have already replaced the dishwasher with one that doesn’t leak.  That was a huge plus!  Now it was time for the oven.

For the past two months, the oven has not cooperated when it was asked to heat at high degrees.  Trying to make pizza and heat up the pizza stone was too much for it and it would simply shut off and take a break.  I did my best on the Fourth of July to get the big bun done and it took me constantly standing by the oven and resetting it every time it clicked off.  That was the last straw and off to the appliance store we went.

We came home with an Electrolux (which makes me think I should be able to vacuum with this appliance as well).

My new oven in all its glory.

I absolutely love it!

Look how clean it is! 🙂

I love the cobalt blue interior.  According to the salesman, it is suppose to be a better finish than the old black interiors.  At least it is prettier.

Since it is a convection oven, I can cook using all three racks.

The top two racks are "easy glide." The bottom one is the old regular kind.

So far I have cooked three cookie sheets full of chocolate chip cookies and two full size pizzas (made from scratch, of course.)

Can’t wait to experiment with some of the sophisticated settings.

Stay tuned for recipes for Mostly Local Pizza and a Plum Clafouti.


6 comments to New Oven!

  • Ann

    Congratulations on your new “baby”. I felt the same when I purchased mine (stove/oven combo). I’m sure you’ll be thrilled with it! No more standing in front of it when it clicks off!

    • Eliot

      I have been making everything I can think of just to hear the new timer go off! (Weird, right?) Is there a program for “Over Bakers Anonymous”?

  • ooooo, I am envious. I need a new oven desperately. Congrats on getting a new one. It looks awesome! 🙂

    • Eliot

      Thanks for the cudos, Janet. May be posting more bread recipes, dessert experiments, etc. soon! So far, I would highly recommend this Electrolux.

  • I’m in the market for a new oven, I’ll have to check out the electrolux brand. Looks sweet! It’s such an important purchase to a baker it must be just right! Only 1/2 of my broiler unit works–which makes broiling anything pretty tricky! Have a great day.

  • […] of the recipes required baking or roasting.   Doh!   I really needed some kitchen magic.   My “new” oven (which is less than a year old) went on the fritz and the repairman told me the part wouldn’t […]