“In My Kitchen” November 2021

To begin, I had this post started long ago.   It was just a list of ideas and reminders.   I’m having a difficult time with WordPress and photos lately (any tips?) and so I’m having to go through some convolutions to get them in the library.

I had it scheduled, would forget, it would post and then I would have to postpone  it.

This morning, I am trying to get something posted!

First of all, the garden.

Before our first freeze (around November 10), I picked four eggplants and some peppers.

And, about ten gallons of green tomatoes.

I made some delicious tomato chutney…

The pot was full to the brim and I now have a LOT to gift.

I also made green tomato conserve, green tomato salsa verde, and green tomato relish.  

One of the best things we came up with to use our surplus was this appetizer:

It’s a fried green tomato topped with cream cheese (we also tried it with goat cheese) and then topped with some green tomato salsa verde.

We also picked two banana bunches and have them inside hoping they ripen.

Besides the produce we recently bought another coffee gadget.  We prefer this now to our French press.

After purchasing some spiced peanuts at a farmers market in early November, The Hubs decided that he could do that.

I don’t know how many pounds of peanuts he has made…some of his ultra secret recipes include cinnamon-sugar, Nashville Hot, horseradish, super hot habanero, sriracha, garlic, and BBQ.   He’s really getting inventive!

As for me, I’m making some shower tablets.  It’s the same principal as bath bombs, just in a smaller form.  I’ve made eucalyptus-rosemary, tea tree-lavender, and sweet orange-bergamot.   

These silicon ice cube trays work the best.

Thanks for staying with me on this hastily written and finally posted “In My Kitchen.”

“In My Kitchen” is hosted by Sherry’s Pickings.  Please stop by and see what others have going on in their kitchesn.

As for non-kitchen items, I’m working on some sewing projects for Christmas gifts—a celebration banner, a scarf, and some pillow.  I’m spending the rest of today in the kitchen making jam and hot chocolate bombs.   I hope they all work out.

Happy holidays!





6 comments to “In My Kitchen” November 2021

  • mae

    All the green tomato preserved thingies look super. You have so much energy for all these projects. I feel drained just thinking about such things.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    • Right now….I am pretty drained. 🙂 And, I got to the point that if I didn’t see another green tomato, I would not care….I just hate for them to go to waste.

  • thanks for joining in this month. i did wonder what was happening when i got two slightly odd emails this month about your IMK post with only a few words, and no comments allowed!:-) Shower tablets? do you rub them over your body in the shower?
    merry christmas

  • Ten gallons of green tomatoes?!! OMG! That’s a lot! Did you sack any up to turn red? I just pulled a bag from the pantry that had turned so I made another pot of red sauce. Of course I’d love to Have some of that salsa verde in the pantry. YUM! On the images, I also us WP and find that it doesn’t like large images, so I try to keep mine to around 150K in size. Good luck!

  • I can’t imagine how big your garden is to have so many tomatoes! I am impressed by all the stuff you did in the kitchen this month, always feels like my energy is low towards the end of the year