Klaus and movie popcorn (Maple-Bacon Popcorn)

Happy holidays! Join Movies & Munches for a “new” holiday classic, Klaus. It’s not a rom-com but it will put you in the holiday spirit. . . . → Read More: Klaus and movie popcorn (Maple-Bacon Popcorn)

Cajun Popcorn Spice, Old-School Popcorn, and a Movie

Welcome to the inaugural post for Movies & Munchies!!

Movies & Munchies is a new group of film and foodie aficionados. A lot of us are immigrating over from the old Food ‘n Flix group but we’re welcoming a lot of new members, too. (For more information, check out our Facebook page.)

Amy’s Cooking Adventures . . . → Read More: Cajun Popcorn Spice, Old-School Popcorn, and a Movie

Popcorn and the perfect pairing….

Popcorn, wine, and binge watching…Let’s celebrate National Popcorn Day! . . . → Read More: Popcorn and the perfect pairing….