We were really worried about our greenhouse and the garden while we were gone to Iowa. Luckily, everything was fine when we got back. A few baskets were dry in the greenhouse, but I think everything will recover nicely.
The garden did grow a new crop of weeds that needs to be dealt with this week, but first things first. We got some of the weeds tilled up and watered. I picked peas, one green pepper, more strawberries and pulled carrots. But, even more exciting is that we picked two tomatoes from our Wisconsin 55 tomato in the greenhouse. We had a great salad with our own lettuces, snow peas, carrots, pepper, and tomatoes. (I also picked one very ugly and deformed Cherokee Purple from the garden. I was able to salvage part of it as well.)
Honestly, this salad was like eating a bowl of candy, maybe because it was fresh, but more likely because we grew it ourselves.