By Eliot, on February 4th, 2025%
If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of all over the place with my posts recently. There was the retro rant about days gone by and a book slamming review. I’ve also been revisiting old drafts and trying to rework them to see the light of day.
I’m reading more and more in the evenings . . . → Read More: What I’m reading….
By Eliot, on January 26th, 2025%
The photo is the blog’s namesake: Eliot (RIP). I’ve been going down memory lane lately. I hate the way my old posts from ten plus years ago sound. This title, however, sounds like a post from 2012. This is a long rant and I couldn’t come up with anything else. . . . → Read More: What in the world?
By Eliot, on January 1st, 2025%
Then there were three.
I’m hosting Movies & Munchies this month and since it’s a busy time I decided to just do a potluck. You could pick whatever holiday movie suits your fancy—the favorite that the fam watches every year, a classic, or even something from your archives.
I love the premise . . . → Read More: Holiday Pot Luck and a Movies & Munchies Round-up
By Eliot, on October 4th, 2024% I’ve been revisiting some recipes from the archives. I usually make a batch of garlic confit every summer after our garlic harvest. It’s really a great recipe to utilize the garlic that might not have been plucked in time and might have the cloves already separating from the neck.
This is a great condiment to . . . → Read More: Herb and Garlic Confit
By Eliot, on September 7th, 2024% We started the month with a movie and a champagne sipping. We are lucky to have an independent, non-profit historic art house theater close by. To celebrate Widow Cliquot, Circle Cinema and a local wine and liquor store hosted a champagne tasting before the film. We were treated to two glasses of Veuve Cliquot.
. . . → Read More: “In My Kitchen” September 2024
By Eliot, on August 24th, 2024%
I used to watch the Food Network 24-7. Then we got rid of cable about ten years. I really don’t know anything about the stars of that network now. So, while I obviously knew Valerie from my youth and watching her prime time on One Day at a Time, I did not know she hosted . . . → Read More: Cookbook Review: Indulge: Delicious and Decadent Dishes to Enjoy and Share by Valerie Bertinelli
By Eliot, on August 8th, 2024%
I missed my July post for “In My Kitchen” so I’m combining two months in one today. This photo string is in somewhat chronological order from June and July.
I usually save all my foodie mags to read at the lake. This was on June 2.
In early June, I went . . . → Read More: “In My Kitchen” August 2024 (and July)
By Eliot, on August 1st, 2024%
It’s been along time since Cook the Books has had a crossover event. I’m pleased to announce The Secret Life of Bees is both the CTB August/September novel and the Movies & Munchies feature film for September.
Plan on joining both groups. Read the 2001 novel by Sue Monk Kidd and bake up a sweet . . . → Read More: Cook the Books and Movies & Munchies crossover event!
By Eliot, on June 4th, 2024%
We made it through May and all the tornado outbreaks. (I think I said something similar to surviving April.) Again, I grew up in tornado alley; I remember nights spent in cellars. We have dodged some crazy weather and have been extremely lucky. Thankful.
This month, I’m just going to revisit May’s posts and some . . . → Read More: “In My Kitchen” June 2024
By Eliot, on May 10th, 2024%
Spring has sprung and with it has been some hellacious storms. I hope wherever you are that you and yours are safe. Hope we get past this extreme weather soon. I grew up in tornado alley, but good grief, these new breeds of storms are deadly and destructive. Be safe out there.
I hate to . . . → Read More: May 2024 “In My Kitchen”