Habanero PLUS Oil

The peppers are the only thing that have produced this season. (We still haven’t had a hard freeze so I am still picking them. )

When I finally got enough habaneros at one picking to make something, I thought about making some spicy vinegar but I have way too many flavored vinegars on . . . → Read More: Habanero PLUS Oil

Tofu-Sriracha Stir Fry

I recently posted a book review that spurred this post and this dish.

Hyphenated Relations is not a foodie book but I still found some inspiration. (You can read the full book review here.) The chapter that mentioned a Tofu-Sriracha Stir Fry also featured the only two siblings in the book with any redeeming . . . → Read More: Tofu-Sriracha Stir Fry

Pesto Chicken Hash for this month’s Movies & Munchies: The French Dispatch

Welcome to February’s Movies & Munchies feature film, The French Dispatch. Palatable Pastime is hosting.

I have always enjoyed Wes Anderson’s films. Back in the Food ‘n Flix days, we were inspired by Moonrise Kingdom. I remember The Royal Tenebaums and Rushmore fondly. Then came this round of Movies & Munchies . You . . . → Read More: Pesto Chicken Hash for this month’s Movies & Munchies: The French Dispatch

Roasted Vegetable Frittata

I do not use my book of Plenty often enough. The recipes I have made from its pages are outstanding like Two-Potato Vindaloo and Freekeh Pilaf. I’ve also made his Multi-Vegetable Paella (80) which is fantastic. I just didn’t post it. 🙁

I pulled it back out recently and earmarked some recipes . . . → Read More: Roasted Vegetable Frittata

Sourdough Pizza Crust with Local Toppings

My sourdough is still ALIVE! And, it makes a pretty killer pizza dough. Join me for this round of Cook the Books Club and Sourdough by Robin Sloan. . . . → Read More: Sourdough Pizza Crust with Local Toppings

Greek Garden Veggie Salad with Grilled Corn

This salad is a perfect summer side (or a meal in itself). . . . → Read More: Greek Garden Veggie Salad with Grilled Corn

Jalapeno-Berry Jelly

Getting lots of peppers from the garden? Here’s a delicious way to use up the surplus. . . . → Read More: Jalapeno-Berry Jelly

A Movable Thanksgiving Feast for Food ‘n Flix

This month’s FnF film is Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Come along for the ride and to sample Garlic Confit Rubbed Roasted Turkey Breast, Cranberry-Apple Relish with Honey, Cheddar and Pepper Muffins, Rosemary Sweet Potatoes with Crispy Shallots, Ginger Green Beans, Massaged Kale Salad w/Pomegranate and Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal Bars. . . . → Read More: A Movable Thanksgiving Feast for Food ‘n Flix

T-Bones in Ashes

Grill it right int he coals….easy and delicious and primal…. . . . → Read More: T-Bones in Ashes

Three Pepper Burgers for #10DaysofTailgate

A grilled burger with green chile rub, fresh jalapenos, cheese and a fantastic cherry chipotle sauce! Three pepper flavors on one burger! Perfect for #10DaysofTailgate. . . . → Read More: Three Pepper Burgers for #10DaysofTailgate