About Us

When I started this blog, it was important to me (for some reason) to remain anonymous.    Remaining unknown gave me some freedom of course.   Basically I could talk about our extended family a bit more freely and I could dismiss any worries about what others would think.   If they didn’t know, they couldn’t judge.

Although (as far as I know) there are  only two people that know about my secret blogger self, I feel like I owe something to the people that follow Eliot’s Eats—people that I have grown close to, writers who bare their own souls, friends who share.   Here is my meager attempt to open up.

Why the name Eliot’s Eats?
No, Eliot is not my name.   T. S. Eliot is my favorite poet.   (And, your guess would be correct here—I was an English major.   Nobody else would be that fond of Eliot’s verse.)   So, it was natural that when a stray kitten showed up literally on our doorstep, we named “him” Eliot.    We found out later that our little boy kitten was actually a little girl kitten but the name stuck.

Eliot being a cat in the green house.   You do realize that if cats could talk, they wouldn’t.


Who are we?
We are a near middle-aged couple (heck, who am I kidding, we are middle-aged).   We are still trying to figure out what the heck we want to do when we grow up.   I write all the posts but my hubby provides me with lots of inspiration, not only in this blog but also  in most things.    I work as an administrator in a public high school (hence the plethora of references to “stressful days” at work) and hubby literally is the hardest working man in the world and works in the technology field.     Add our cat, Eliot, and that rounds out the family.    (Just an aside here, neither one of us ever thought we would be “cat people” but we definitely are now.)

We pride ourselves in driving our brothers, sisters, in-laws, and best friends crazy by über spoiling our nephews, nieces and God children.

What we like?
We like to travel.  Our favorite places are New Mexico and Kansas City.
I love to cook.   We love to eat.
We like to patronize small and local restaurants, businesses, farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs.
We try to eat local and grow our own veggies.   We are always trying to extend the season with the green house and hoop house.
We love to visit farmers’ markets.

What would we be doing if we could do anything we wanted (and money were no object)?
Deep down, I think we would both like to be artists.   Warning:   we have NO formal training.   We love to dabble in pottery, metal arts, and woodworking.    We are that couple you overhear at galleries, exhibits, and art festivals:   “We could do that.”
I would also love to go to culinary school, open a garden shop, and write.
Hubby would like to grow grapes and hops, open a winery, develop the next best microbrew, and invent the next big thing.

We really relish your comments so please drop by often and see if we have figured out our life plan!



