Ina, Part I: Go-To Dinners

I am hosting Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten for the February/March round of Cook the Books. (Announcement post here.)

While I was reading (and leading up to my post about her memoir), I decided to check out a few of her cookbooks. While at least one of her recipes . . . → Read More: Ina, Part I: Go-To Dinners

This is Not a Cookbook by Emily Marie Westervelt 

This book includes “Flavor forward recipes with a new approach to cooking — no measurements, no strict ingredient list, no boundaries.” Are we ready for that? . . . → Read More: This is Not a Cookbook by Emily Marie Westervelt 

The Secret Sandwich (and Dipping) Sauce for Super Bowl Sandwiches

I decided to go through my saved draft archives and see what I could clean up. Honestly, some of them just needed a bit of editing and could be published. Some were missing a lot if information, and some were just mere ideas that I jotted down and saved to explore and create later. . . . → Read More: The Secret Sandwich (and Dipping) Sauce for Super Bowl Sandwiches

What I’m reading….

If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of all over the place with my posts recently. There was the retro rant about days gone by and a book slamming review. I’ve also been revisiting old drafts and trying to rework them to see the light of day.

I’m reading more and more in the evenings . . . → Read More: What I’m reading….

Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

I usually don’t do EE posts for Lit Happens, a FB book club that I mostly participate in. I’ve only done three plus the very late one I recently revisited, The Farmer’s Wife (which was a Lit Happens feature a few years ago), so I decided to post about our current January read, Table . . . → Read More: Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

What in the world?

The photo is the blog’s namesake: Eliot (RIP). I’ve been going down memory lane lately. I hate the way my old posts from ten plus years ago sound. This title, however, sounds like a post from 2012. This is a long rant and I couldn’t come up with anything else. . . . → Read More: What in the world?

Pumpkin-Oatmeal Dog Treats

I usually make at least one batch of dog treats during the holidays. I’ve posted my usual recipe here.

This old recipe is good and the dogs love it, but it was a little convoluted to make, especially this past holiday season when I had NO time.

I had four huge pumpkins to . . . → Read More: Pumpkin-Oatmeal Dog Treats

The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Another book review from the draft post archives!

Apologies to Helen Rebanks (the author) and to Camilla (who was gracious enough to mail out copies to us) regarding this late, late, post. Camilla featured the book, recipes, and comments in late November 2023! (I was able to send her a blurb and a photo of me . . . → Read More: The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Tiffy Cooks by Tiffy Chen

Here is another cookbook review from 2024 that I found in my draft posts.

Chen is another social media star/food blogger made good. (It seems like every single cookbook I pick up is either by a podcaster, Insta-personality, TikTok star or blogger. More power to them!) She shares her home cooking skills by connecting us . . . → Read More: Tiffy Cooks by Tiffy Chen

Table for Two by Bre Graham

“Our time together is brief, and real love at times can feel rare…. Fight for delight in all you eat and with everyone you love.” . . . → Read More: Table for Two by Bre Graham