What a weekend! Zombies and The Boss

I just wanted to write a quick post about the fabulous weekend I had.

Let me preface this little story by saying that my sister (who lives in Iowa) is a super, Über, zealous, hyper Bruce Springsteen fan.

This summer she called in a state of hysteria to ask me if I would accompany her and my eleven-year-old nephew to Chicago to see Bruce.  She was talking so fast that I was somewhat unsure to what I was agreeing.

So, I took Friday off and The Hubs and I drove to Kansas City after work on Thursday.   Got to stay at The Phillips (I love Priceline) and had some fun in the Power & Light District.

On Friday morning, we were up early to head further north.

We stopped in Des Moines for lunch and found the most fun burger place—Zombie Burger.

The menu.

The remains.

They definitely don’t take themselves too serious!

We had two great specimens:   the La Horde (goat cheese, bacon, caramelized onion, mayo) and Juan of the Dead (green chile + cheese croquette, Monterey Jack cheese, caramelized onion, chipotle mayo).      (There was also the “They’re Coming to Get You Barbara” burger!)

That is the skyline of Des Moines in the background.

I actually wrote a paper about George Romero and Night of the Living Dead in college so I absolutely adored this place.

If you are ever in Des Moines, check it out.

More about our fast and furious weekend trip (and The Boss) later……

Warning:   The Zombies are coming………….


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