I started three varieties of broccoli, leeks, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, lots of onions, and turnips on 2-19-2012. Today, this is what I found:
We are getting Spring Fever around here.
I will probably start tomatoes and pepper seeds next weekend.
For a great chart on when to plant what in your area, check out When to Start Your Seeds and Boulder Locavore has some great tips for Getting Started.
Speaking of which, we got up and on the road Saturday morning by 7:00 a.m. to go get another hoop house for the garden.
This was actually an old building awning that we basically dumpster dove for. (The awning was in two pieces and we have put them together to form this house.) We are going to have to combine two existing raised beds for this behemoth to fit on. Our plan is to cover the top section with shade cloth for tomatoes this summer.
So, that leads me to the “Sibling Rivalry” section of this post. Being proud of our new acquisition, I texted my sister a picture of this new hoop house.
She sent me a picture of theirs:

Please notice that it is covered with snow. She lives in Iowa. (I am thinking they need to move back to Oklahoma!)
Being the older sister, I could not let her think that she one-upped me. “My new one is bigger,” I responded.
“Having feelings of inadequacy? Is yours heated with compost bins?” This was her smart response back.
I would show her. I sent her the following pictures from our existing hoop house:
And, finally:
This final picture I sent with the text: “We don’t need to heat ours.”
Her response, “That is just rude.”
No further comments were exchanged. 🙂
I didn’t have the heart to send her pictures of our lemon tree and herbs from the green house.
I am just not that cruel.
Only twenty-three days until spring!
What a great post! I am still trying to figure out what we are going to do with all the wind up here in the Colorado mountains. We are going to have to put up a seriously sturdy structure. I love the fact that your hoop house is actually awning. That is fabulous!!! Yay Spring. I am sooo tired of winter…
And we think it is windy here!?!? I don’t envy your hurricane winds at all. Hope you get some relief from winter soon!
I wish I had space for stuff like that. I’ve been pining for a lemon tree, I tell my hubby once a week…I want a lemon tree! The sibling rivalry was so funny.
Our sibling rivalry does tend to be quite hilarious! Don’t let those blooms deceive you. We have had the tree for three years and have gotten four lemons—I have high hopes for this year! (Tell McGyver that there are dwarf citrus you can grow indoors!) Whatever I can do to help!
How rude! HEHEHE I love it. I cant grow from seed. Each time I try, it gets to where you are. I take the dome off and give it some water and they get like a fungus on them and die. EVERY TIME! I have a wonderful garden window in my kitchen, but unless it is a bit bigger, it doesnt survive.
Wow—my sister AND you calling me rude! ?????? I don’t know how to take that (except in good humor!) Don’t give up on your seeds. I over plant so at least some will survive. Loved that bean soup post too!
The gusting winds and the heat here will give a gardener a run for their money, but my husband wants to start a garden once he gets some time off on the weekends. It sounds like there are a lot of green thumbs in your family-so the competition is on! However, judging from your picture’s your sis should worry.
That’s what I tell her! Good luck gardening!
I so, so much want a hoop house! We raise trees though. Big friggen 100 year old oaks. Lots of them.
I love the conversation between you and your sis. We kind of had the same thing going with the chickens. Sisters are great for that kind of thing.
Having 3 sisters myself, I loved to read your sibling interaction! Your hoop house looks fabulous…and I can hardly believe you already have veggies growing!
I have complete ‘hoop house envy’ for both you and your sister’s hoop houses. Would love to construct one however we are up agains the foothills where the winds can get up to 70 – 90 mph. To construct one that would last my HOA would have a meltdown.
My seeds I planted when I posted (thank you for the mention) have mostly sprouted too and are happily growing away under the grow lights for the moment. Is there a better sight than newly sprouted seedling? I think not.
Sounds like you and your sis have a great relationship 🙂
Your post has made me more ready for spring than ever…I think that we are going to finish the winter having had virtually no snow, which is not normal for us. Regardless, I am yearning to see the crocus!
Thanks for all the comments and a special thanks to Toni for getting me motivated to get out and plant seeds!
Daffodils are blooming, I just noticed the flowering quince in full bloom….we will probably get a huge snow storm any day! 🙂
Such fresh products are a great ingredient in dishes – I love how everything tastes a little criper, tastier 😀
Best of luck wih the beautiful garden!
Choc Chip Urut
Thanks. It has been a long while since we have had to buy store bought lettuces. And you are right, fresh is always better!. (Actually, it has been quite a while since I have even been to the grocery store with this Clean Out that we have going on!)
LOL, the sibling rivalry here is hilarious! I am jealous of your hoop house though!
This is a great post Eliot! Very exciting getting seeds in the soil, the first sign spring is coming 🙂 I’m inspired and excited!!
They are really up more now. Almost everything has sprouted. I can’t wait to put them out. It was almost 80 here yesterday, cooler today and it is suppose to be COLD this weekend. I am waiting for the final late Spring snow dump!
Love your post. I just planted some indoor basil and cilantro, and will be planting leaf lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and potatoes as soon as it warms up more. Isn’t it exciting to see those seedlings pushing up through the soil?
I have GOT to go water them. I missed yesterday. I, like you, am ready to get the garden in full swing!