Movies & Munchies Announcement Post: The Shape of Water

Well aren’t we just the quirky bunch over at Movies & Munchies.   This year we have watched, reviewed and been inspired by some really eclectic films:  Hidden FiguresBest in ShowThe Glass Onion, and most recently, The Road.  Let’s continue on our quirky food-inspired film journey with The Shape of Water.   

Way back in the day, Food ‘n Flix featured Pan’s Labyrinth  and I became totally intrigued by Guillermo del Toro’s films.  (I just recently watched his Pinocchio.)  I had not seen the much acclaimed The Shape of Water and when I viewed it, also quite recently, I thought it might be a candidate for a Movies & Munchies‘ feature.   There is a bit of foodie inspiration including but not limited to eggs, seafood, and Russian dishes.   I really can’t wait to see what the Movies & Munchies crew dreams up.

You are invited to join us. Watch the film and make a dish inspired from the film.  Post it during the month of September.  Email me at or drop a comment  in The Shape of Water event page when your recipe is posted.  At the end of September, I will post a round up here.

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