Seriously, we had an earthquake last night in Oklahoma (about 82 miles southwest of us). It lasted about 15 seconds and was a 4.7 magnitude and we definitely felt it!
I was sound asleep so I was trying to tell myself it was only the wind. (The wind doesn’t usually make all the dishes rattle, though). Hubby got up to see who had run into the house.
People have been freaking out online. “We’re at 71st and Yale. All is well here. We don’t hear any screams for help. I do hear the helicopters circling for survivors.” Really? I am not making light of any earthquake disasters, but it rattled the dishes for goodness’ sake.
So, we decided to go check out the damage.
Alas, we lost a leftover Halloween pumpkin. (But no other cries for help here.)
NOTE: Please see my apology for this post.
I remember when we just had one in D.C. a few months back. Thankfully you guys did not suffer much damage beyond the pumpkin!
OK–after experiencing another longer, stronger quake. It is not that funny anymore!
I don’t care, this is hilarious! hahaha