An apology: Oklahoma Earthquake redux

OK—yesterday I posted a somewhat snarky post about our recent earthquake in Oklahoma.   (Who am I kidding?  It was an absolutely snarky post with a “humorous” staged photo and everything.)

I profusely apologize to all readers and anyone who has had to experience something like this.   What brought me to my senses?

Last night, we experienced another one—longer and stronger.   Around 11:00 as we were just getting ready to leave some friend’s house after watching college football, the house started shaking.   Ironically, we were watching the news and they were just giving a recap of the early morning’s quake.  Just as they were rolling the story, we experienced the strongest earthquake in Oklahoma’s history, a 5.6 that lasted about 30 seconds (but seemed like 5 minutes).

So I apologize to everyone for my attempt at humor yesterday.   It was in poor taste.

2 comments to An apology: Oklahoma Earthquake redux

  • Ah I just saw the humor in it and didn’t think it was in poor taste. We felt the tremors up in Wichita last night too from yours. Or rather, I was told we did…I was already asleep.

  • I thought that post was hilarious but I take most everything with a grain of salt. My Dad called me last night when he felt the tremor from your quake here. I had no idea what was going on and was wondering how our house was moving when there was no wind. You will think I’m crazy, but I actually was scared there was someone outside our house pushing on it. Like anyone is that strong! hahahaha I think the earthquake thing makes a little more sense, just never thought I’d feel even a tremor here in KS!