Irish Soda Bread

About three years ago, Mom traveled to Ireland.    She went with a group and I think they were associated with her hometown bank.   She loved it.

She is planning another trip there this summer, but this time it is different.   She is going back to her roots.

Mom has recently gotten head-over-heels involved in our genealogy, so much so in fact that she is having to regulate her computer time.   She says she gets so involved that she will skip meals and look up to see it is six o’clock in the evening.

What has she found out?

We are not related to Sam Houston as we thought we were.   (My grandfather’s first name was actually Houston as he was named for his mother’s maiden name.   Since she was a Houston, the family always assumed there was a connection.)

We are, in fact, related to Daniel Boone.    That explains why one of the nephews was sporting a coon skin cap when he was here.   It was a gift from Gran after she found out our heritage.

And, we are somehow related to the Gaelic Maguire clan.    Which, according to my deduction, means we should be part owners in Enniskillen Castle.   Right?

I am not packing yet.

I decided to celebrate our new found heritage and make Irish soda bread.    Mom had never made it either so we whipped up a batch when she was here.

I used a recipe that Chocolate Moosey posted recently for Irish soda bread for Tuesdays with Dorie.

For her recipe, click here.

I added one cup of jumbo mixed raisins (golden, red, and plain old regulars) and I also put it all in the mixer with the dough hook.  I am sooo lazy.


See the colorful raisins?

Well, this loaf did not come out as pretty as some I have seen posted.   But I revved it up a bit with my new camera app.

I don’t know what I was expecting out of this bread, but it was surprisingly delicious!

It was especially good smeared that raspberry jam!

10 comments to Irish Soda Bread

  • Well happy being Irish to you! That’s so cool to be able to trace it back like that. I’d take part ownership in a castle.

    Heck, I’d take that bread too. It looks delicious and I love the variety of raisins in it.

  • I really need to trace my roots before everyone who knows anything about our family is dead! I’m really not sure where my ancestors came from but have vague ideas from what my parents have said (there’s apparently some Irish in our blood too, though you couldn’t tell by looking at me.) I’ve only made one loaf of Irish soda bread and it was an utter flop! I haven’t dared trying again, but when I do, I will remember that you had success and try the link you gave. Thanks!

  • I think it’s beautiful!

    Although I’m one of those people that will call things “rustic” if they don’t turn out exactly as I want. LOL!

    I’ve seen this recipe a lot lately and I’ve never had it. Since both you and Carla posted it, I have no excuse to get in the kitchen!

  • Yummmm raisins in soda bread… I can imagine amazing this would taste with a nice slathering of jam!
    Thanks for giving me something to dream about!

    Choc Chip Uru

  • Liz

    Yum! Isn’t this the best recipe…so easy! And yours looks wonderful with your colorful raisins…I found it hard to make a picture perfect loaf, too.

  • Would you believe when I visited Ireland there wasn’t a loaf of Irish Soda bread to be had at any of the pub/restaurants we went too? When I inquired, they said that it’s “home” bread not something you go out for 🙁 I think yours still looks lovely!

  • Yum! I love soda bread. I haven’t had it in a long while. I need to change that!

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