Finding the unexpected

Yes, The Hubs is already mowing the yard.   Don’t get me wrong; I love this weather.   But, it does make me fearful for the summer.   I mean, what’s the catch?

Anyway, he came in after the last time he mowed and said he thought he smelled onions under the maple tree.   I immediately told him he was wrong.    He was mistaking the daffodils for onions.    He retorted that he knew what an onion smelled like which forced me to the maple tree to see for myself.

What did I find?   Wild onions.

Wild onions under the maple tree.

Where in the world did they come from?   Probably the same place as all the mulberry trees growing and overtaking our fence line.   Thank you, little birds.

Could we eat them?    Were there any recipes out there?    I knew that people did forage for wild onions.    Numerous Native American tribes in this area always have spring “Wild Onion Dinners.”

As we set on the patio and The Hubs repeatedly told me he was right, I grabbed the iPad and started googling foraging online.   (I was still unsure that they were wild onions, even after he pulled one and ate it whole.   I wanted to check it out online to make sure he didn’t just ingest a poisonous flower bulb.)

One of the first sites that popped up was Foy Update.   I have followed this site for a while so I thought it was ironic that Foy’s site was first up.   Her post from 2010, Wild Onions—Collecting, Gathering, and Inspiration was truly an inspiration for me.   Not only did the pictures on her site look exactly like what Hubs had devoured, there was was much information and many ideas on uses.    (Please check out her  post  for I am not going into all the details of foraging here.)

Our "mess" of wild onions.

Foy (and those oh-so thoughtful wild birds that made this all possible) has inspired me.    I see  some sort of tart or quiche in our future as well as some fantastic rosemary-wild onion bread.    And, I would love to tempura some of these little beauties.

I love finding the unexpected.

20 comments to Finding the unexpected

  • We have the stuff growing all over the place here. It’s always so cool to find something you can use like that. I looked for a foraging club in my area, but no such luck, unfortunately. I’d love to find stinging nettles, but I wouldn’t recognize them if they, well, stung me.

    • Eliot

      I would absolutely love to find someone who could teach us how to find wild mushrooms. I had never thought to look for a foraging club in this area. Hmmmm. (Stinging nettles scare me.)

  • We are all a little nervous up here in the mountains of Colorado. We are getting a little bit of rain today. Yay. Rain!!

  • I love foraging posts. Can’t wait to see what you do with your bounty. I’m waiting for the weeds to get just a smidge taller in my garden before I turn it over and harvest them into a saute.

  • I am still trying to find out what these little miniature tomato like things are that grow in clumps of three. Strange stuff popping up here, but the nicest is the bluebonnets! Cool that you are growing wild onions…perhaps some wild strawberries will be next. Also, now that you found these-more foraging is in order. Have a great day.

  • This is so cool! Love how you suddenly discovered such an unexpected treat 🙂
    Can’t wait to see you use them!

    Choc Chip Uru

  • What an unexpected and fortuitous foraging experience! I’d love to stumble upon some myself! Iknow you’ll work your magic on them.

    • Eliot

      Well, I never would have known except we are mowing EXTREMELY early. I guess from now on I will go look under that maple tree every spring break! (And, I did tempura them and they were fabulous—stay tuned.)

  • I love finding the unexpected too… and those onions are just so adorable! I’m hugely jealous that you are mowing the lawn! Still negotiating winter here ;-).

    • Eliot

      Sorry you are still experiencing winter. We just planted broccoli and cauliflower and I am afraid it is almost too hot for them.

  • How fun!! We don’t fine anything fun like that in our yard… though we did have a fan palm tree start growing in the rose garden last year. My husband made me take it out. Much as I hate to admit it, he was right, but it was the neatest little thing that just grew on its own. I tried to transplant it but it didn’t make it.
    Love the onions!!

  • I have no idea what is growing in my distant areas of my garden! I think I must go for exploration!

  • I would love to stumble on a strawberry plant, or money plant, but alas…no go!

    We found wild asparagus in our yard! Crazy!!!

  • No way–finding wild onions is totally cool! The only edible thing I’ve found in my back yard is a very overgrown raspberry bush. And wild onion bread? It sounds amazing.

  • that is so neat! congrats on the unexpected find 🙂

  • I found some wild chives the other day, it is so fun! I love finding blueberries or blackberries in the wild, makes me feel like an old-fashioned girl!

  • That is so cool! God planted a surprise in your yard. Maybe I should pray for a blueberry bush? 😉

  • I was thinking about you this morning, then logged onto my blog and there were comments 🙂 And, back onto yours where I find recipes for wild onions. Perfect! We’ve been turning ours into the most wonderful vinegar – and giving bottles of the stuff to friends and family. Now, I’m inspired to try a couple of your recipes. I’m going to repost the vinegar recipe since it’s from way back when I didn’t even have photos on the blog. I’ll link to this blog and your others when I get mine posted. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend!!!