“What an odd name for a restaurant,” I thought. (Barn Happy was the name of the restaurant, not Blue Hobbit feet…more about those in a bit.)
While we were at mom’s for the Fourth (and the garden tour), she was determined to have a mother/daughter lunch amid all the hubbub.
“We have go to go to Barn Happy.” She was determined to take Sis and I there.
Barn Happy, from what I could surmise, is set on a family farm and tries to be truly farm-to-table. It is simple, unassuming and delicious.
The seating is limited and mom called ahead to reserve a spot. Lucky for us she did because it was crowded.
You order your lunch at a counter and it is then delivered to your table.
I had the spinach and Roma tomato quiche and a cup of Iowa corn chowder.
Yes, that is a paper plate. Get over it. The meal was delicious.
Piled high with deliciousness.
Have you ever gone to a restaurant with your family (who do not know you blog) and taken pictures of your food? They look at you like you are a lunatic. (I will say that is my excuse for getting such crappy shots.)
All of the meals are delivered on these great vintage trays.
Local honey, wine, and other Iowa fare is available for purchase as is some delectable desserts.
Above the eatery is a second floor filled with antiques.It is huge!
Outside there are interesting artifacts for purchase. Mom and I both scored some cheap pottery for the garden. Most of the more interesting items are around the silo at the front of the barn.
All in all, I have to say, mom, you were right, we did need to go to Barn Happy.
Here are a few recipes from Barn Happy that I am dying to try:
Southern Pecan Chicken Salad (My sister had this.)
Barn Happy
11310 University Ave
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 266-0888Open:
Wednesday – Saturday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
March -December
Now, what about the Hobbit Feet, you ask?
The day before the garden tour was to start was hectic. The Hubs and I snatched up the 6-year-old nephew for a day of whatever he wanted. Although we wanted to spend time with him, we also wanted to get out of the way. When asked what he wanted to do, he had three requests:
- Go to the park and play catch.
- Go to Famous Dave’s for ribs.
- Go to Cherry Berry. (This was repeated over and over again as was the phrase, “Gran only lets me get one topping.” Who did he think he was with? That’s right, the favorite aunt and uncle who let him get as many toppings as his heart desired.)
We had a great time with him. Before we went to Cherry Berry, we asked if he knew of a good garden shop. He single-handedly led us to Earl May. I think he had been there many times before.
I spotted these immediately.
I had to have them and we worked a deal with them. Got them for half-price (or one foot for free)!
I haven’t planted anything in them yet, but as soon as I do, I will post a lovely picture of my feet.
We bid everyone adieu for our long drive home, stopping halfway in Kansas City for sustenance.
You know where we stopped.
Yes, it had to be Grinders for The Hubs.
P.S. Look at this great stuff my eldest nephew is making. He gifted me with one of the copper bracelets.

I have given him this friendly Aunt advice: You can grow up to be an artist but you cannot grow up to live in a bus, have dreds, and sell your wares by the side of the road. That is my dream. 🙂
Abigail, here is a flower from my own garden today. It is a hardy hibiscus that comes back every year. The blooms on it are as big as a plate.
Lots of hugs, giggles and smiles today!
Barn Happy….that’s an interesting name for a restaurant. Good that you have enjoyed the food.
Blue Hobbit Feet are cute..I would use them to plant some succulents…
I can’t decide whether to plant something like sedum that will flow over the sides or a small tree like a tropical hibiscus. Guess I should start taking a poll.
OK, Readers, what should I plant in the blue feet?
I LOOOOOVE those feet!
Actually, my mom, who lives in this town and goes to Earl May often, saw them earlier and told me (after we had purchased them) that when she initially saw them, she thought, “Debra would like those.” 🙂 (Sorry, that was truly a run-on.) They have another blue planter that is a large hand wrapped around a pot (like a coffee mug). That is a purchase for the next trip! (I think they were wanting to get rid of them. There was one lone foot left if you are ever in Iowa….)
I totaly love little places like that who serve on paper plates, usually the best meals! And that Iowa corn chowder, oh my, looks delicious!
It was. It had bacon and onions and was more of a broth base than cream.
The food does look good and the name, it’s unique and I like it! Since the feet are blue I would plant some pretty red zinnias or gerberas 🙂
Gerberas….that is a great idea too. I love those daisies. Unfortunately, it will probably be next spring before they get planted. Maybe I can find a sale.
Sounds like a great place to have lunch! And your day with your nephew was super. One foot for free – what a deal! We lived in Kansas City years ago (late 1970s, early 80s). Didn’t know about Grinder’s then. For us it was BBQ – Arthur Bryants or Gates (although now there are some potentially better ones, I’ve been told), or Straub’s for fried chicken. Anyway, fun post – thanks.
Made it to Gates, but supposedly the best BBQ in KC is now Oklahoma Joe’s….no joke.
Who knew Cedar Falls had these treasures…love the upstairs of the restaurant…and your food looked darn tasty. My family knows I blog and they still think I’m nuts trying to take photos of food 🙂
PS…sent you an email; you won my Red Gold giveaway! Congrats!
It is a cut town with lots of surprises. That barn is huge upstairs. Thanks for the maters!!!! I am excited!!!!!
Debra, you’re killing me with these foodie excursions!! I love this place. I mean, I have never been but, I would love to eat there and poke around that antique filled barn. The hobbit feet are so cute. What will you plant in those? If we are ever traveling your way I would love to book you as tour guide!!
Let me know and we will book it!
One day, I hope to take you up on it. Can’t travel now but I would love a fifth wheel or some sort of RV to see the country!
I loved the tour – I liked the feet but most of all I loved your nephew’s art. I love to see creative young minds being encouraged……..even if it has Aunt Qualifiers on it! 🙂 Love the mandala!
I am really proud of him and of course I think he is exceptional!
Your family doesn’t know that you blog? That’s interesting. I bet they did think you were quite weird taking pictures of food. I’ve had some excellent food served on paper plates, so this definitely wouldn’t bother me. Sounds like y’all had a great day! A lovely flower for Abigail!
Yeah, The Hubs knows (of course) and I have one friend who figured it out on her own. So far, unless they have come upon me on a google search, they don’t know. I laugh that that gives me more freedom to talk about them. 🙂
[…] wrote about our mother/daughter lunch at Barn Happy last month. At that time, I searched the web to see if Barn Happy had any recipes published. They do have […]