I was originally going to document our BBQ cooking class in only two posts, but getting all the tips down is going to require three (or four) posts.
Besides the cheesey bread, corn souffle, and pulled pork, we were also treated to smoked chicken.
“Big Guy” took the lead with the chicken. He prepared whole chickens using the beer can method. I wish we had been sitting closer and I apologize for the pictures throughout this series.
He French-dressed the legs saying, “Don’t laugh.” I assume he thought it was a bit dainty for BBQers. He then separated the skin from the bird and rubbed in seasoned oil (see last post) and Head Country BBQ Spice. “Big Guy” also said that you can use any liquid for beer can chicken—coke, Dr. Pepper (which his wife loves), wine, or his favorite, Old Style beer. He also trimmed the wings a bit and tucked them in. Place whole chicken on can about half full of liquid and sit up in a smoker at 210 degrees for 2 1/2 hours. This bird was delicious.
The printed recipe they shared with us was a winning marinade. I have to say that I am not much on making dishes with pre-packaged ingredients like powdered Italian dressing and onion soup mixes, but we were inspired to do a beer can chicken after this class on our own. We decided to use “Big Guy’s” tips and try out this recipe.
3 Guys Smokin’ Poultry Marinade
This recipe finished 5th in 1998 out of 300+ professional BBQ teams at the American Royal Open BBQ Championship in KCMO (the world’s largest BBQ competition).1 pkg. Italian (Herbed Garlic) dressing mix (I used Zesty Italian.)
1 pkg. onion soup mix
8 oz. vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar.)
8 oz. oil (I used canola oil.)
poultry of choice (I used a “natural” whole chicken.)Mix all ingredients in a 1-gallon size zip-lock bag and thoroughly mix together. Add poultry and seal bag. Let marinate for 2 hours at room temperature, turning frequently (if marinating overnight, store in refrigerator and do not exceed 8 hours. [I am always fearful of poisoning someone, so I definitely marinated this overnight in the fridge. I would not advocate letting poultry set out for two hours. Just sayin’.]
This mixture makes enough to cover approximately 10-12 boneless breasts or one whole bird.
Remove and drain marinade from poultry. Discard liquid. Place poultry on smoker and smoke at 225 degrees. Smoke for approximately 20-25 minutes per pound or until done (length of time depends on temperature, level of in-direct heat, poundage and whether or not cut is boneless). Avoid direct heat, preference is a lower temperature (do not drop below 200-degrees), and in-direct heat with plenty of smoke. Loosely wrap in aluminum foil when skin reaches desired color to finish cooking (juices will be clear, contain no blood, and bones will pull apart when lightly tugged.)
It is delicious. This was the best chicken we ever made. I bought the cheapest store-brand onion soup mix and mixed this up. OMG!
We also used a super cheap can of Miller Lite beer. 🙂
Can you see the color on this bird? We threw a few hickory chips in the last thirty minutes of cooking on our rusty orange retro smoker.
We ate well for a couple of days. This bird was so good that I devoured the legs and I don’t eat chicken legs. 🙂 We sliced the rest of it for salads, wraps, and one leftover dinner. This marinade is a keeper.
Abigail, today I present to you a yellow Knock-Out rose. We have these planted at each end of our “vineyard.” They smell wonderful and bloom all summer long. (Please send hugs and kisses and good thoughts to Abigail today.)
First off, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thrown by that sitting out for two hours thing I’d definitely be doing the fridge marinade too. The bird really is gorgeous. I love the color and perfectly cooked skin. If you recommend it, I’m giving this a try!
I really do. This was the most delicious bird we have ever done. I really am freaked out when we smoke poultry (or even when I bake it). I am so afraid I will poison someone. 🙂 (For the record, I never have.)
That chicken looks really succulent with that beautiful golden colour.
Thank you, Angie. I was proud of the color we achieved.
Looks so delicious! I love Head Country Rub so I’m going to try this very soon. You and my husband and your chicken phobia………….of course, I probably wouldn’t leave the chicken sitting out for that long either.
I don’t know where that comes from. I just recently became a fan of medium (emphasis on medium) rare beef. That’s another thing we just didn’t do growing up. Roast beef and steaks were well-done. 🙂
Yep – you must be brother and sister……him too! 🙂
Okay, I’m trying this chicken. I haven’t used my smoker at all this summer! *gasp*
More grilling out in the heat for ya’ then? 🙂 Stay cool down there.
It’s so funny how sometimes the simplest, most unexpected things are the best. If you say it’s good, I’m trusting that it’s really good! Thanks!
Trust me.
I am falling in love with all these posts.. that chicken is calling my name!
Thx. That is a complement.
Yeah, I wouldn’t have chicken out for two hours either, and would refrigerate. Lovely recipe (if I can say that about guy food!), and looks so tasty. Really good stuff – thanks.
Yes, guy food is delicious. I was only speaking in ironic sarcasm (which I tend to be excel at). Thanks for pointing out that this is a guy recipe. LOL
Wow, your chicken is smoked to perfection. I know how you feel about prepackaged mixes…I shy away from them, too, but have two upcoming posts using them. Sometimes it’s worth compromising. I need to add beer can chicken to our dinner menu!
I can’t wait to see what is up. Sometimes it is worth compromising. This recipe certainly is. 🙂
That picture of the chicken got my mouth watering! It looks SO delicious! What a fun class and it looks like you learned A LOT! Gorgeous rose for Abigail this week.
Thanks, M.J. I am ready to do another one of these birds!
Making this today! Can’t wait!!! It sounds so good. We’re serving it up with baked potatoes, fresh sweet corn, and beer bread. Yum!
Please let me know how you like it!