Unbeknownst to me, 2018 marks the 15th anniversary for Love Actually. Besides the Christmas season setting of the film, this makes it even more appropriate for December’s Food ‘n Flix round.
Also, unbeknownst to me was the “love it” or “hate it” attitude people have for the film. It is one or the other, no in between. (I obviously am in love with it; you can read why in the announcement post.)
Are you thumbs up or thumbs down? Let’s see where everyone stands.
First up was Kelley from Simply Inspired Meals with Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. Kelley found the PM to be quite likable:
The Prime Minister, played by Hugh Grant, wants a chocolate tea biscuit, not the boring plain ones. I reviewed quite a few traditional British tea biscuits and found that a sandwich cookie would fit right in to this category. These cookies have an almost brownie quality that makes them moist and rich. That combined with the vanilla buttercream center will remind you of a store bought cookie that we all loved as a child.

Kelley’s Chocolate Biscuits
Wendy, from A Day in the Life on the Farm, was definitely in the thumbs down category.
This film has a slew of stars and is all about relationships. The joys they bring, the sorrows they cause, the complications they bring. There are 9 intertwined stories and I think everyone will find at least one to which they can relate. This will not become a yearly movie that I watch as I do many other holiday films but I am glad that I watched it this year.
She was inspired by an early scene in the movie (and one of the few scenes that actually showed food)—the catering scene in which Colin insults the caterer (and his boss).
She made these smoked salmon roll ups, perfect for holiday parties. (No one would be insulted by these!)
Amy’s Cooking Adventures was next up with a beautiful Candy Cane Cake. (Amy was also a thumbs down.)
So, Love Actually is a Christmas movie (I did not realize this) with all the campy sappiness of a Hallmark movie, but with an all star cast. Unfortunately, I like this movie about as much as a Hallmark Christmas movie. It wasn’t terrible, and it made me smile, but it’s definitely not making the favorites list. I honestly found myself perplexed through much of the movie (I think it would’ve done a lot better as a mini series…or soap opera, take your pick, to really flesh out the multiple storylines). However, I did enjoy the Hugh Grant storyline very much and I liked the overall message that all you need is love.
(Amy also shares a very personal story and I applaud her for her courage in sharing it.)
Evelyne at CultureEatz posted a traditional (mostly) Christmas pudding. Let’s see what she thought of the film.
I really like the emotional roller coaster of this holiday movie. Some of my colleagues had not seen it and did watch it after I mentioned this post I was working on. WOW, some controversial conversation exploded after everyone saw it. You had the lovers who felt the Christmas spirit, and camp B found the movie depressing and sad. What?!?! How can you not love a movie where two porn movie stand-in actors find actual love!
Indeed, Evelyne! 🙂 She made a beautiful pudding and her post includes lots of valuable tips on making this classic: Steamed Orange Chocolate Christmas Pudding.

Evelyne’s Steamed Pudding
I was glad to see Tina (from Squirrel Head Manor) back with us this month. She’s in the “thumbs up” camp.
It’s one of my favorite Christmas movies. Now I recognize that these are completely unrealistic situations and outcomes, but I don’t analyze too much because I just want to sit and watch and enjoy. Billy Mack is the most realistic scenario, in my opinion. It’s conceivable that an old rocker releases a holiday version of an old song. Colin Frissel’s quest to find a beautiful American woman to fall in love with him is fairly ridiculous, but very amusing. I love Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson – their story was a heart breaker. (They are enjoyable to see as Severus Snape and Professor Trelawney in the Harry Potter movies too).
Her favorite story line is that of Aurelia and Jamie so she made a Portuguese inspired dish to celebrate their love: Portuguese Fish Stew.
I obviously do love this film but I will say that The Hubs immediately got out his laptop instead of watching the film with me. I had high hopes of cuddling on the coach watching this special holiday film. Didn’t happen. (I definitely will qualify Love Actually as a chick flick.) Suffice it to say he did not see the appeal either.
Because of the array of fruitcakes in the film, I searched out a Nigella Lawson (a quirky Brit in her own right) recipe.
Here’s a Chocolate Fruit Cake in all it’s “squidgy fabulousness.”
I don’t know about you, but I would love to live in a world where Hugh Grant was Prime Minister, where a school holiday pageant includes a lobster and with a bit of help from his stepdad and Mr. Bean, a little boy can allude airport security to get to his true love. All on Christmas.
May love be all around you in 2019!
Please join Food ‘n Flix for the January round. Evelyne is hosting Book Club.
I have not seen this film and am anxious to do so. I’m pretty sure it’s a chick flick as well so I won’t hold out any romantic viewing on the couch hopes. 🙂
If you would like more information about joining us at Food ‘n Flix, click here.
Thanks to everyone for participating.
Fabulous roundup! Yes, Hugh Grant as prime minister would be very cool,
I was happy to participate. I realize this isn’t a traditional Christmas movie but I sure like it. My husband watches it with me almost every year. Thanks for hosting and picking this movie!
It is on my holiday viewing list.
Wow, it was controversial. Who knew! Part of the joys of this group lol. Thanks for including my porn movie quote HAHAHA.
How could I not have included that quote! I’m controversial!
Thumbs up to the movie and a HUGE thumbs up to all of these recipes! All of them are perfect for the movie.
Thanks, M.J. Inspired recipes all ’round.
Hi, I wanted to correct an item above. My site is Simply Inspired Meals, not Inspired Edibles. Thanks for hosting this month’s movie!
I will fix it now. So sorry!
regretably I don’t have the time to participate in these events but I did watch love actually at christmas – lost count of the number of times I have watched it – it is maturing well even if some of the people are a bit disturbing in how they treat others – hugh grant is wonderful – I would love him to be PM – and I love the billy mack story line – bill nighy is just great if a little disturbing!