Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors (Living or Dead) for Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is an interesting one, one I gave a lot of thought to—“Questions I would ask my favorite authors (living or dead).”

  1. Anthony Bourdain:   Why?
  2. And, just why?

    Blurry photo from a meet ‘n greet book signing. (We’re standing in the background.)

  3. David Sedaris:  Do you own your own home?  (This is the question he asked me during a pre-show book signing.)

  4. Ernest Hemingway:  Who was the love of your life?

The rest of my questions (which I took verbatim from the most recent edition of Eating Well and an interview with Curtis Stone) would be posed to Ruth Reichl.  (You know I’m obsessed.)

  1. Finish this sentence:  “To me, cooking is….”
  2. What food says home to you, and why?
  3. Is there a kitchen gadget you can’t live without?
  4. You have to make dinner with only items from your pantry.  What are you making?
  5. What’s always in your fridge?
  6. What’s the real story behind Gourmet‘s demise?  (This last one is my own.  I know she addresses this in both Save Me The Plums and My Kitchen Year but I want the real dirt.)


That’s my ten for this week.  Join me next week for “Books that Make Me Hungry.”  This TTT is right up my alley!

TTT is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

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