Infused Cocktail Kits

Have you priced some of those infused cocktail kits that are popping up for holiday giving? They’re like $30 and up and that’s without the liquor. I’ve been stalking those jars lately and jotting down what the ingredients are. I found very few recipes online and the ones I did find had pretty sketchy instructions. I was able to whip up a few with some ideas from here and there. (This was probably the best site.)

First let’s break down a fruitcake.

Liquid Fruitcake

Debra (based on a recipe found here)

Play around with whatever dried fruits you have.


  • 3 sugar cubes
  • 3 dried orange wheels
  • 3 dried lemon wheels
  • 2 T. golden raisins
  • 2 prunes, halved
  • 1 date, halved
  • 3 dried apricots, halved
  • 1 T. dried cherries
  • 1 T. dried cranberries
  • 1 vanilla bean pod, split
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 10 oz. whiskey 


  1. Layer the ingredients in a pint jar. 
  2. Add whiskey to the jar (you may need a bit more or a bit less depending on the sizes of the dried fruit used). 
  3. Refrigerate for 3-5 days. Shake well, then strain.
  4. You can add a bit more sugar and use the ingredients again. Or, you can put the fruit out to snack on or garnish your cocktail. Better yet, serve some of the boozy fruit over vanilla ice cream.

Yield: 1 pint jar


Serve on the rocks, over Coke or a lemon-lime soda, or in warm apple cider. 

This next recipe I just created from my boutique stalking of $30 jars (again, without the booze). And, I know, I need to work on that title.

Festive Holiday Infusion


Play around with whatever dried fruits you have.


  • 2 sugar cubes
  • 3 dried orange wheels
  • 1 T. dried cherries
  • 1 T. dried cranberries
  • 1 T. dried diced pineapple 
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 sprig rosemary (about 2 inches)
  • 12 oz. whiskey or brandy


  1. Layer the ingredients in a pint jar. 
  2. Add the liquor to the jar (you may need a bit more or a bit less depending on the sizes of the dried fruit used). 
  3. Refrigerate for 3-5 days. Shake well, then strain.
  4. You can add a bit more sugar and use the ingredients again. Or, you can put the fruit out to snack on or garnish your cocktail. Discard the ingredients after the second use.

Yield: 1 pint jar

Serve on the rocks, stir up an old fashion, or use brandy and add to some winter-spiced sangria.

I also went back to the archives and made some kits to add vodka to—Winter Spiced Vodka.You’ll see cinnamon sticks, coriander, cumin, a Thai chile and cardamom. I’m not reprinting that recipe now but am linking to it above. This infused vodka is fantastic in Bloody Marys!!!!!


These are all great kits that you can put together quickly for holiday hostess gifts. The holidays are coming upon us too quick. Take some time to relax and enjoy!


I almost used the Liquid Fruitcake for the upcoming Movies & Munchies post. Can you guess what holiday movie I’m going to highlight?

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