Freezing Blackberries

I said that the last post was my last blackberry jam post.    It was not my last blackberry  post.

2013-07-02 15.44.01

I still had a few more quarts to go.   I was  tired of making jam so I decided to freeze the rest for pies and cobblers and making them  much later.   (I was becoming a bit tired of berries at this point, you see.)

The easiest way to freeze berries is to follow these steps.

  1. Wash berries and drain well.   (Even let them set in the colander for a while to drip dry.)
  2. Spread them out in a single layer on a parchment lined rimmed baking sheet.   (I also used cardboard flats for this and that worked great, too.)
  3. Place in the freezer for at least 6 hours or until firm.
  4. Remove from freezer and seal in airtight bags.    (If you don’t have a seal-a-meal-a-thing, you can place the berries in a sealable bag and careful submerge it in water.   The water will displace the air and you can then seal up the bag.)
  5. Freeze for later use.
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Berries removed from the freezer and ready to be sealed.

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A frosty bunch.

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Ready to go back in the freezer.

You can remove berries a little at a time from the bags and reseal them.     Individually frozen berries like these are great for drinks (they even muddle a bit better for flavored waters) or to add to muffins or other breakfast fare.

Did you know you can use your seal-a-meal-a-thing to reseal other stuff?    It works on most chip bags too.

2013-07-03 12.53.22 (1)

Pecans have nothing to do with freezing blackberries. I just think this is a nifty trick.


Abigail, for your virtual flowers today, I present to you Big Fish Mouth.

2013-07-04 14.05.08This potted whale is in my mom’s garden as well.    (I think it’s sort of cute….I have to admit that I gave it to her for Mom’s Day last year.)     My mom’s and my brother-in-law’s gardens were on a garden tour recently.    I will post more about that soon.    Good thoughts and bright smiles today!!!!!!!

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