Herb Garden

When we moved into our house over sixteen years ago, we set out willy-nilly to landscape.   We had no plan.  We had a vision.   But, we had no plan.

I wanted roses.

We planted roses everywhere.  We built flowerbeds for roses around the house.  We planted climbing roses on our back fence.  We built a tiered rose showplace.

I don’t even want to know who much $$$ we spent with Jackson-Perkins.   Seriously, I think at one time I counted over seventy-five roses in our yard.

What did we learn?

Roses are picky.   Roses need pruned.  Roses need care, much more than we had time to give.

What else did we learn?

Native Bermuda grass can kill any landscape vision we have.

The heirloom roses we purchased or rustled are still going strong.  The natives survive.

Our fancy-smancy roses did not fair so well.  Most are gone.

We recently were able to dig out our tiered rose bed and have rid it (hopefully) of all the Bermuda grass.

I decided I wanted an attractive and functional herb garden.

linnaeusThis was my inspiration.   Note:   This is not in our yard.  Instead, it can be found at Linnaeus Gardens in Tulsa.   This is what I want.

This is what I currently have.

2015-04-19 12.33.21

Picture taken April 18, 2015.

Most recently, this was a brushy pile of weeds, dead roses, and probably snakes.

Now it is planted with every kind of  thyme, oregano, and marjoram that I could find.  I used onion sets as dividers.   Lavender is in the middle tier.

Marjoram Oregano Thyme
Creeping Golden Marjoram Hot & Spicy Oregano “Dot Wells” (French) Thyme
Mounding Marjoram Marhsall’s Memory Oregano Creeping Thyme
Kent Beauty Oregano Creeping Red Thyme
Rosenkuppel Oregano Dutch Thyme (for tea)
Showy Pink Oregano German Thyme
Variegated Oregano Lavender Thyme
Mother of Thyme
Orange Thyme
Pink Chintz Thyme
Silver Edged Thyme
Summer Thyme
Tangerine Thyme
Variegated Lemon Thyme
Wooly Thyme

Obviously, I found more thyme varieties, but I am on the lookout for more oregano and marjoram (which often gets mislabeled in nurseries anyway).  I am on the hunt for at least Golden Tipped Marjoram and Golden Oregano (just like Linnaeus).

I am experimenting with some Germander as an inside hedge around the middle tier.   Basically, this entire project is an experiment.

It’s not much to look at now.   I will do my very best to keep you post.

(The sandstone bench pad is a work in progress, too.)

14 comments to Herb Garden

  • Angie@Angie's Recipes

    wow I want your herb garden!! So cool!

  • chrisscheuer

    How fun! It’s a lovely garden and I know it will make you happy every time you head out with a scissors! If you can find any, try planting some Vietnamese Coriander. It’s in the cilantro family but has a taste all of it’s own and a totally different kind of leaf. Unlike regular coriander, it thrives in hot weather. It’s just fabulous in Thai salads, soups, etc. I can’t go past it without rubbing the leaves and taking a sniff, so fresh and lovely!

  • We recently had more trees taken out and it has changed the yard. Now where we had shade we have full sun. It proves a challenge to planning new landscaping. That is a gorgeous her. Garden you are planning. I love the tiered blocks and I know it will be spectacular!

  • I can’t wait to see progress photos. I was just looking at all of the Thyme varieties this weekend. Plus they’re beautiful plants. I bought a creeping thyme to trail down a tall glazed container. And I’ve always loved Lemon Thyme. Great for brothy spring soups.

  • Mae

    Looks like a lot of work to keep it all growing and free of weeds. We were just saying yesterday: there’s no such thing as a low-maintenance garden unless it’s gravel!

  • I love how pretty your herb garden is 😀
    Awesome progress!

    Choc Chip Uru

  • That is going to be one gorgeous herb garden when it grows up!!! You’re going to need to find an outlet for all those herbs. I can see you selling at the growers market. I see the hot & spicy oregano on your list. I found that this year and planted some as well. Have you tried it yet? It definitely has a kick to it. Can’t wait to watch your garden grow!

  • I am sure that with your experience now you will be able to make the garden of your dreams!

  • kitchenriffs

    Our favorite rose has become the Knock Out — they’re tough and seem to thrive everywhere. A herb garden is so nice. I have herbs planted everywhere — should probably gather them all together in one bed. Love all the thyme in your garden!

  • […] buttery goodness for this round, and I am no different.  I used three varieties of sage from my herb garden for this browned compound […]