Blue Hawaiian for #PartyLikeAMadMan

Giveaway alert! Win a copy of The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook as we celebrate the season finale. . . . → Read More: Blue Hawaiian for #PartyLikeAMadMan

Bundles of Insane Apple Goodness

I have three points to make on today’s post.

When a favorite blogger quits blogging it is like an old friend moved away to a third world country. Sometimes, I do use a tube of prepared bread-like substance. I refuse to name a recipe “dumplins.”

To address my first point…

Who else misses Jen at . . . → Read More: Bundles of Insane Apple Goodness

Christmas Fudge

Oh, FUDGE!!!!! Today I am posting a classic family fudge recipe in honor of sweet Ralphie in “A Christmas Story” (and for December’s Food ‘n Flix). . . . → Read More: Christmas Fudge

Grandma’s Apple Butter

I vowed to make the family’s favorite apple butter with part of our bushel of Jonathan apples. Here is an heirloom recipe that just might be in your family, too. . . . → Read More: Grandma’s Apple Butter

Okie Peasant Potato Soup

For my last post, I presented a recipe for “French Peasant Bread” and mentioned how wonderful this bread was to accompany soup. I teased you with an upcoming potato soup and decided to continue my peasant theme.


Just waiting for the soup.

Growing up we had some go-to quick suppers that my . . . → Read More: Okie Peasant Potato Soup

Dessert for a Feast (for Food ‘n Flix)

The Food ‘n Flix pick this month was Babette’s Feast. This wonderful movie inspired me to make Kugelhopf. Keep reading for the film synopsis, Babette’s menu and my meager attempt at dessert. . . . → Read More: Dessert for a Feast (for Food ‘n Flix)

Food ‘n Flix Round-Up: The Breakfast Club

Yes, I know that The Breakfast Club wasn’t chock full of foodie references.

Yes, I know that besides the title itself and the lunch scene, there is not a whole lot of food in this film.

But, dontcha know I think it was a worthy film for Food ‘n Flix this . . . → Read More: Food ‘n Flix Round-Up: The Breakfast Club

“Waffled” Breakfast Club Sandwich

I came of age in the 80s. I wore leg warmers, neon colors, Flashdance-influenced sweatshirts, and designer jeans. My hair has been pink, asymmetric, and teased up high (just not all at once). I have been a punk, a prep, and a rocker.

Circa 1985. Such babies.

I feel old.

No really— . . . → Read More: “Waffled” Breakfast Club Sandwich

Honey French Dressing

I reworked a salad dressing from a vintage junior league cookbook. (Good grief, when did the 80s become vintage?) . . . → Read More: Honey French Dressing

Happy New Year

Some vintage images from my grandfathers’ post card collections and a couple of Happy new Year wishes to you and yours. (And, I finally got around to doing a Top Ten!) . . . → Read More: Happy New Year