Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

I usually don’t do EE posts for Lit Happens, a FB book club that I mostly participate in. I’ve only done three plus the very late one I recently revisited, The Farmer’s Wife (which was a Lit Happens feature a few years ago), so I decided to post about our current January read, Table . . . → Read More: Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Another book review from the draft post archives!

Apologies to Helen Rebanks (the author) and to Camilla (who was gracious enough to mail out copies to us) regarding this late, late, post. Camilla featured the book, recipes, and comments in late November 2023! (I was able to send her a blurb and a photo of me . . . → Read More: The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Relish Trays and Brandy Old Fashions

Not familiar with the Midwestern supper club traditions? Read Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club by J. Ryan Stradal and you will be. . . . → Read More: Relish Trays and Brandy Old Fashions

Tarragon Deviled Eggs

This is a rare post for Lit Happens Book Club. Carnegie’s Maid inspired some delicious Tarragon Deviled Eggs. . . . → Read More: Tarragon Deviled Eggs

What’s Good? This maple-whiskey cocktail and Peter Hoffman’s Book #LitHappens

I was please to get an advanced copy of Peter Hoffman’s memoir, What’s Good? A Memoir in Fourteen Ingredients. Here’s my review along with Hoffman’s Back Forty cocktail. . . . → Read More: What’s Good? This maple-whiskey cocktail and Peter Hoffman’s Book #LitHappens