Ginger-Peach Jam (Freezer Version and Traditional)

I must praise the book my mom got me for an uber early birthday: The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. For more information and praises on this book, click here for an earlier post.

Since work is still super busy, I am pulling this draft out of the archives from peach season this . . . → Read More: Ginger-Peach Jam (Freezer Version and Traditional)

Tomato Jam

We are picking tomatoes daily. Be prepared, dear reader, for lots of tomato recipe.

I am going to start out with the best one ever: Tomato Jam. If you have a garden, visit farmers markets, or belong to a CSA, you must have this book: The Preservation Kitchen by Paul Virant.

I have . . . → Read More: Tomato Jam

Sweet Sriracha Pickles

I was inspired by pickled dirt.

Truly. I pickled some chard stems a while back and my mother assessed that they tasted like “pickled dirt.”

OK, so the pickled chard was an acquired taste but that pickling liquid was da’ bomb! I made up some of this sweet-hot brine and threw in some cukes . . . → Read More: Sweet Sriracha Pickles

Canning Round-Up

Here’s a round-up of what’s been canned and preserved at EE plus you cannot live without this book…. . . . → Read More: Canning Round-Up

Pickled Green Cherry Tomatoes

What happens when you plant excess dill for the pollinators and black swallow caterpillars?

You have a boatload of dill to harvest and you make pickles.

What happens when your beautiful and loaded Roma cherry tomato plant mysteriously gets the roots eaten? (Thank you so much little pocket gopher.)

You dry your tears and make . . . → Read More: Pickled Green Cherry Tomatoes

Sriracha Swiss Chard Pickles

Another Swiss chard recipe today and and I thought this one would be a keeper. Who doesn’t love pickles? Who doesn’t love Sriracha? Who doesn’t love Swiss chard?

OK, there may be a few out there who don’t care for the beautiful leafy stuff or the spicy Asian condiment, but let me tell you, I . . . → Read More: Sriracha Swiss Chard Pickles

Jalapeno Relish

I am posting this late but as of the end of October, I was still picking peppers out of the garden. You never know what you are going to get with Oklahoma weather. It might be mild until Thanksgiving our you might be snowed in for the holidays.

Some were giants!

. . . → Read More: Jalapeno Relish

Garlic Confit

During the end of June this summer, I harvested wagon loads of garlic.

The first wagon full.

Then I got smart and started trimming the stalks at the garlic bed.

The second load.

I ended up with two full baskets of garlic.

Basket one.

Basket . . . → Read More: Garlic Confit

Bourbon-Pickled Jalapenos

As gardeners, we are dependent on the seasons. Although it is well into fall here, we are still having very mild days. This means we are trying to keep our summer produce still producing like tomatoes and peppers.

I big ‘o bucket of jalapeno hotness!

The peppers seem to love this time of . . . → Read More: Bourbon-Pickled Jalapenos

Pickled Cherry Peppers

I love fall in Oklahoma because you never know what you will get. You might take a snow day off school before Thanksgiving or you might be able to still wear flip flops to school the day before Thanksgiving break. Who knows? (You do realize I could quote Will Rogers at this point, but I . . . → Read More: Pickled Cherry Peppers