Peach Jam Muffins

Since Peach-palooza started, I embarked on a jam making frenzy. I made some frou-frou jam flavors like nectarine-ginger and white peach marmalade. I also made some regular freezer jam. (I just use whatever recipe is listed inside the pectin box for freezer jam.) I have stated before that freezer jams use less sugar and do . . . → Read More: Peach Jam Muffins

Peach “Sleep Over” Oatmeal

Let this set in the fridge over night to “sleep over.” You will have a perfect summer breakfast in a jar (made even better by using summer’s ripest peaches). . . . → Read More: Peach “Sleep Over” Oatmeal

Freezing peaches

I wish my mom were here. As an old home ec. teacher, she knows the answer to everything. I have called her a couple of times during Peach-palooza, but if she were here visiting, it would have saved me lots of time on the internet.

With almost a full bushel of peaches and nectarines to . . . → Read More: Freezing peaches

Stone Fruit pie

In trying to use up the remainder of the peaches and nectarines, I decided to make a mixed pie adding both white and yellow peaches with nectarines. The results: one delicious ugly a** pie.

I cannot make pie crusts to save my soul. It is quite obvious.

One ugly a** pie and one . . . → Read More: Stone Fruit pie

And then there were nectarines: Red Nectarine and Candied Ginger Jam

I am including nectarines in my Peach-palooza. Here is another great recipe from The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook. . . . → Read More: And then there were nectarines: Red Nectarine and Candied Ginger Jam

Peach Marmalade from Blue Chair Jam Cookbook

This is a truly delicious recipe from Rachel Saunders. . . . → Read More: Peach Marmalade from Blue Chair Jam Cookbook

Peaches and Nectarines (and jams and marmalade and preserves). It’s going to be a Peach-palooza!

A vintage peach honey recipe and a reminder about the Colorado Wildfire Bake Sale. . . . → Read More: Peaches and Nectarines (and jams and marmalade and preserves). It’s going to be a Peach-palooza!