I count the days until spring every year. The count down starts in August.
Softball season starts and merges with football season. In November—no more Friday nights standing in the cold. Then, Thanksgiving is here and basketball season begins. Winter Break comes and goes and we are still playing roundball. Sometime in middle to late February, the season is over. Then baseball starts but that is a little more laid back. (No, I am not a sports fanatic, but as a high school administrator I have to be at all the home games and about half the away games.)
Finally, Spring Break arrives and I always think we’re on the down hill slide. Not quite so busy. Summer is in sight. Easy times.
Then, how-oh-how did I miss the Secret Recipe Club sign-ups for March?????
I totally spaced and didn’t even realize it until I began wondering why I didn’t get an assignment email. I was bummed.
But, maybe it is another happy accident because apparently there were a lot of orphans in Group C during March. I was happy to step in.
I was even happier when Debbi sent me Veronica’s My Catholic Kitchen. I try to stop by Vonnie’s blog as often as I can and I have made a few of her delicious recipes. Way back in 2011, I was a SRC secret pal of Vonnie’s and made her Pesto Swirl Bread. Her Strawberry and Banana Bundt is more than worthy and I have made it many times. But, I had my eye on her Best Napa Chicken Salad Sandwich NOT from Panera Bread for a long time. I hate that Veronica was an orphan this month, but I was selfishly happy that I was able to post one of her recipes today with Group D.
So, I derailed from my New Orleans fanaticism just long enough for a trip (if only in my mind) to Napa. Thanks, Vonnie.
Napa Turkey Salad
ever so slightly adapted from The Best Napa Chicken Salad Sandwich NOT from Panera Bread1/2 c. olive oil mayonnaise
1/2 c. lite sour cream
1 T. dried tarragon
1 1/2 lb. rotisserie turkey breast, cubed
1 c. small diced celery
1 c. green grapes, halved
1/2 c. sliced roasted almonds
Spring salad mixIn a small bowl, whisk together mayo, sour cream and tarragon. Whisk until smooth. In a large bowl, stir together turkey and mayo/sour cream mixture. Carefully fold in celery, grapes, and almonds.
Serve on spring salad mix.
To make this simple and delicious salad even easier, I bought a rotisserie turkey breast from the deli case and swapped it in for plain chicken. Then, it was as simple as doing some chopping.

Because the rotisserie turkey is seasoned, I omitted the salt and pepper. If using poached chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper prior to mixing in the dressing.
The addition of the tarragon is genius. This ingredient adds just a bit of herbaceous sweetness and plays well with the grapes and celery. In fact, I now really want to try roasting grapes with tarragon. A family favorite of ours is Granny’s Chicken Salad which is quite similar to this recipe but I am emailing my MiL as soon as possible to tell her to throw in some tarragon.
Not only did Veronica hit the Panera Bread chicken salad recipe, this come remarkably close to Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe Chicken Salad if not only for the addition of some sunflower seeds.
Thanks to our SRC hosts Jane, Sarah, Suzanne, and the fabulous Group C host, Debbi. They do a super fantastic job keeping us all organized, informed, and on track! Thank you, ladies! Now, could somebody remind me about signing up after reminder emails? 🙂
(For all my past SRC posts, click here. )
Thanks to Judi and Group D for allowing me to post with you today.
Please stop on Wednesday for the next installment of our New Orleans adventure.
wow you must have known that I have some roasted chicken leftover in the fridge! The salad looks super, Debra.
Hope you tried it. This would be perfect for leftover chicken (or turkey).
Hi Debra!
I felt like such a scatter brain this past week Debra. I totally lost all sense of season:) I’m sure fixing all the technology around here had a lot to do with it, lol…I am now back on track and so wanting to try this salad. Tarragon has been claimed the Herb of the Year this year by the International Herb Society (actually artemesia is the herb of the year which includes Tarragon) so, I have been on the lookout for all things tarragon. The notion of roasted grapes with tarragon is enticing:)
Thanks for sharing, this salad, Debra. It makes me feel all Springy!
I am a scatter brain most days it seems. Comes with age, I guess. That and reading glasses! LOL
Glad to know about Tarragon. I need to check and see if mine over-wintered but I doubt it did.
this looks perfect to (hopefully) introduce some spring weather here in the Northeast. great choice. fellow group D member
Glad to be a temporary part of Group D today. Thanks, Shari.
Great to see you back, I think I would be miserable if I missed one month – totally into it!
you picked a great recipe, perfect for Spring, lighter eating…
I hate to say I was glad there were orphans in Group C, but I’m kinda’ glad there was. 🙂
How serendipitous that you got rescued by rescuing someone else, and such a delicious save you made!
Absolutely serendipity!
I love Veronica’s food too. And her sweet personality; it shines through in everything she makes and says. You made an awesome pick with that turkey salad. It looks delicious, and that has nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t eaten lunch yet!
It does shine through, doesn’t it. Thanks, Christianne!
Yum! That looks like a perfect lunch! Great SRC pick!
It was a perfect dinner and then a couple of lunches!
I’ve never thought to use turkey in a “chicken salad” type recipe, but I like the idea for something different! I always love the addition of grapes!
Yep, I am saving this for Thanksgiving leftovers! 🙂
Serendipity indeed! Nice save…and great-looking salad!
Absolutely serendipity-do-da!!! 🙂
Delicious! Great pick this month 🙂
Thanks, Melissa. It’s nice to see what Group D was cooking up.
Yum! I always love a good salad. This looks delicious and I am SO glad it’s spring! Time to bring the salads back. 🙂 Great src pick this month
We had our first spring rain storm this evening and it smelled wonderful!
I think it was fate that you forgot to sign up and then were reassigned Vonnie this month! Love your selection…that turkey salad looks amazing!!!
Thanks, Liz. Serendipity, fate, karma?
I love chicken salad with grapes in it! Perfect for spring lunches.
I am ready for the first picnic!
Way to step it up with Group C and still participate!! Great pick!
Thanks, Emily. So glad to help and to find this great recipe on Veronica’s site!
Mmmm… that looks so GOOD!! Great selection and find – thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for stopping by, Rebekah.
It is definitely getting to be salad time! We were in the 70’s today. WooHoo!! Great chicken salad! Love chicken salad with grapes and the tarragon is perfect with chicken!
Yesterday I was freezing and even started the fire place. Today it is humid and hot. I’m never happy. 🙁
This is my kind of dish. It looks soooo easy, but the tarragon adds that little something extra. Yum! What a cute story too!
I am in love with tarragon now!
Yum! that looks good and fresh!!!
Thanks, Kirstin.
This looks like an utterly delicious salad, and a great way of using up the leftover chicken we always have after the Sunday night roast. You are totally right about tarragon – I love it’s slightly “aniseed” flavour, and it goes absolutely perfectly with grapes. Can’t wait to give this one a try.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you try it.
This looks like one amazing salad–Tarragon is a great addition. I have a few recipes that certainly need it.
Our youngest son played baseball thru college. After sitting thru a million and one games–in all kind of weather I thought I had my fill of baseball. Now he is married and on to a profession that actually makes money. But…I do miss the ping/crack of the bat. We live next to a baseball field, I often walk over and watch the little ones play. I brings back fond memories.
Now on to a delicious salad. Can’t wait to try it, Have a great spring week.
Thanks, Cindy. I know those our precious memories. Glad you like the salad.