Holiday Pot Luck and a Movies & Munchies Round-up

Then there were three.

I’m hosting Movies & Munchies this month and since it’s a busy time I decided to just do a potluck. You could pick whatever holiday movie suits your fancy—the favorite that the fam watches every year, a classic, or even something from your archives.

I love the premise . . . → Read More: Holiday Pot Luck and a Movies & Munchies Round-up

Holiday Cheer Chocolate Cookies

Need a little extra cheer for the holidays. Try these cookies, with a definite adult flavor. One can’t go wrong with chocolate and whiskey! . . . → Read More: Holiday Cheer Chocolate Cookies

Christmas Pasta for Food ‘n Fix and The Holiday

Happy Holidays!

I’m hosting the December edition of Food ‘n Flix with The Holiday (2006), a film directed by Nancy Meyers and starring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black and Jude Law. Of course, Diaz, Winslet, and Law are gorgeous. Black just adds enough scruffy “everyman” to help the tale be believable. Please do note . . . → Read More: Christmas Pasta for Food ‘n Fix and The Holiday

Cozy Cocktails

Here are four holiday-themed cocktails to help toast the end of 2020: Santa’s Little Helper, Holiday Lights, Very Berry & Bright Cocktail and an Apple Spice Old Fashion. . . . → Read More: Cozy Cocktails

Happy New Year Hummus (Eat your black-eyed peas!)

How many days of good luck will you have after eating this hummus? An infinite number (because it’s full of black eyed peas)! Here’s to a wonderful 2020! . . . → Read More: Happy New Year Hummus (Eat your black-eyed peas!)

Love Actually Round Up for December’s Food ‘n Flix

Check out these recipes inspired by Love Actually, the December Food ‘n Flix feature film. We have some proper English recipes along with some delicious appetizers, desserts, and a main dish. . . . → Read More: Love Actually Round Up for December’s Food ‘n Flix

Grandma’s Orange Slice Cake

Here’s a recipe that I remember fondly from my youth, a 6-week process that Grandma would start after Halloween. . . . → Read More: Grandma’s Orange Slice Cake


Holiday cookies from New Mexico. (Surprise!) . . . → Read More: Biscochitos

A Movable Thanksgiving Feast for Food ‘n Flix

This month’s FnF film is Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Come along for the ride and to sample Garlic Confit Rubbed Roasted Turkey Breast, Cranberry-Apple Relish with Honey, Cheddar and Pepper Muffins, Rosemary Sweet Potatoes with Crispy Shallots, Ginger Green Beans, Massaged Kale Salad w/Pomegranate and Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal Bars. . . . → Read More: A Movable Thanksgiving Feast for Food ‘n Flix

King Cake (on the lighter side)

Here’s a lighter (and easier) King Cake. The dough is made with coconut oil and almond milk. The filling is the highlight of this delicious cake to celebrate Mardi Gras. . . . → Read More: King Cake (on the lighter side)