Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

I usually don’t do EE posts for Lit Happens, a FB book club that I mostly participate in. I’ve only done three plus the very late one I recently revisited, The Farmer’s Wife (which was a Lit Happens feature a few years ago), so I decided to post about our current January read, Table . . . → Read More: Table for Six and a pitcher of margaritas

The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Another book review from the draft post archives!

Apologies to Helen Rebanks (the author) and to Camilla (who was gracious enough to mail out copies to us) regarding this late, late, post. Camilla featured the book, recipes, and comments in late November 2023! (I was able to send her a blurb and a photo of me . . . → Read More: The Farmer’s Wife by Helen Rebanks

Green Juice Smoothie for Land of Milk and Honey

It’s that time again for another Cook the Books post.

Cook the Books is a a bimonthly book club that focuses on a different foodie book each round. After reading, we cook something inspired by the book and post. You can find out more details about our group and how to participate here.

. . . → Read More: Green Juice Smoothie for Land of Milk and Honey

A review: Beautiful Boards: 50 Amazing Snack Boards for Any Occasion by Maegan Brown

I’m not sure how many cookbook reviews I will do this year, but I read a new one before the holidays and wanted to share.

Even though the “put it on a board” fad may be waning and you can get all the inspiration you need from Instagram, I still love a . . . → Read More: A review: Beautiful Boards: 50 Amazing Snack Boards for Any Occasion by Maegan Brown

Crying in H Mart for Cook the Books

Read on for a short rib recipe inspired by the author’s mother. . . . → Read More: Crying in H Mart for Cook the Books

Sort of a Cookbook Review–Beach Life: Home, Heart & the Sea by Lauren Liess

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” –Jacques Cousteau. This is just one of the many quotes and aphorisms from Beach Life. . . . → Read More: Sort of a Cookbook Review–Beach Life: Home, Heart & the Sea by Lauren Liess

Girl of Many Crowns

Welcome my latest TLC Book Tour for Girl of Many Crowns by D. H. Morris.  I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher for this stopover. 

I was not paid for this review and all opinions, thoughts and rants are completely my own.

About The Girl of Many Crowns

Publisher: New Classics Publishing, LLC (September . . . → Read More: Girl of Many Crowns

A Book Review: Daughter of Ruin

Welcome to a TLC Book Tour for Daughter of Ruin by Yvette Manessis Corporon. I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher for this stopover.

I was not paid for this review and all opinions, thoughts and rants are completely my own.

About the book:

• Publisher: Harper . . . → Read More: A Book Review: Daughter of Ruin

Movies & Munchies Plus Cook the Books: The Secret Life of Bees

Thanks to all that participated in this crossover event with Cook the Books and  Movies & Munchies. While The Secret Life of Bees is bittersweet, the recipes were definitely on the sweet side this round.

Here’s what our creative crews posted:

Amy’s Cooking Adventure was first up with Honey Cookies. Amy rated the book four stars . . . → Read More: Movies & Munchies Plus Cook the Books: The Secret Life of Bees

The Secret Life of Bees. One recipe, two events.

I’m hosting two events that wrap up this month:

For Cook the Books, I’m hosting Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd for the August/September round. For Movies & Munchies, I’m hosting the 2008 movie with Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, and Alicia Keyes, et al.

The deadline for both events is September . . . → Read More: The Secret Life of Bees. One recipe, two events.