My Watermelon Salad

I finally broke down and picked a watermelon. Here is an interesting salad with watermelon, blue cheese, pancetta and basil. . . . → Read More: My Watermelon Salad

Twenty-seven pounds of tomatoes from the farmers market and a trip update

Channeling Tennessee Ernie Ford now: “27 pounds and what do you get? 6 quarts of tomatoes and and a big mess!” . . . → Read More: Twenty-seven pounds of tomatoes from the farmers market and a trip update

Quintessential Bar Food (Remember those College Days?)

Nothing local about this meal (except the tomato and basil) but this is a great sandwich that I have adapted from my favorite old college hangout. Keep reading for a recipe for a “Fowl Thing” and homemade teriyaki sauce. . . . → Read More: Quintessential Bar Food (Remember those College Days?)

A veggie dinner with local (mostly) ingredients

What to do with all these fresh veggies? Throw them in a skillet with some fantastic chutney. . . . → Read More: A veggie dinner with local (mostly) ingredients

Making pizza from scratch with local products

Make the cheese: use the whey in the dough; pick fresh tomatoes (if you are lucky), basil and garlic…make a wonderful local pizza. . . . → Read More: Making pizza from scratch with local products

Perusing a recipe closely (or here we go again)

Since I screwed up my last attempt at “Pasta with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Fresh Basil”, I wanted to give it another shot. . . . → Read More: Perusing a recipe closely (or here we go again)

Rushing through a recipe…or “Flirtin’ with Disaster”

The best laid plans…. A recipe for disaster! . . . → Read More: Rushing through a recipe…or “Flirtin’ with Disaster”

A rare and exotic basil

Trying a new variety of basil—beware of cooking with it! . . . → Read More: A rare and exotic basil