Elixirs for Xmas: Amaretto

Who knew you could make your own Amaretto? I certainly didn’t.

I was struggling for some more Christmas posts and pulled an old cookbook from my library: Gifts from the Kitchen.

Mom had a similar book (back in the day) I loved to go through and dream of all the gifts I would make when . . . → Read More: Elixirs for Xmas: Amaretto

Elixirs for Xmas: Chocolate Bourbon Kahlua

Bourbon Kahlua from a handy bartender in Tulsa. (This stuff is golden!) . . . → Read More: Elixirs for Xmas: Chocolate Bourbon Kahlua

Elixirs for Xmas: Homemade Vanilla Extract

I love to make homemade gifts and usually work at it throughout the year, especially with canning up summer’s bounty. To “mix it up a bit” (pun intended), I decided to make a few elixirs and extracts to give as gifts this year, too.

If you’re planning on giving homemade vanilla extract for Christmas or . . . → Read More: Elixirs for Xmas: Homemade Vanilla Extract