Unprejudiced Palate Italian Soup

Although spring has sprung, it is still a good time for soup, especially with our up and down temperatures. I created a warming soup for a cold spring day and to celebrate this round of Cook the Books. . . . → Read More: Unprejudiced Palate Italian Soup

Comfort Food: Pasta with Roasted Garlic, Sausage, and Beans

What to make for dinner? Pasta is always my answer. . . . → Read More: Comfort Food: Pasta with Roasted Garlic, Sausage, and Beans

Day 11: A trip to Tuscany

Pappa al Pomodoro recipe . . . → Read More: Day 11: A trip to Tuscany

Hmmm…Day 7? Soup for two

Tuscan Tomato Soup Recipe . . . → Read More: Hmmm…Day 7? Soup for two

Taking time out for a birthday…

A celebratory birthday dinner with just soup didn’t sound very festive. . . . → Read More: Taking time out for a birthday…