By Eliot, on September 30th, 2017%
Whether the topic is the film or the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic either way.
I am thrilled to be hosting this month’s round for Food ‘n Flix with this 1962 Academy Award winning classic. Besides securing Gregory Peck the Best Actor Oscar, this film started the careers of a number . . . → Read More: Apple Molasses for To Kill a Mockingbird Food ‘n Flix
By Eliot, on August 25th, 2015%
Here’s an Artisan Biscuit recipe for this month’s Food ‘n Flix as inspired by August: Osage County. . . . → Read More: Crux of the Biscuit
By Eliot, on October 6th, 2014%
Fair warning: This is a delicious brunch item….hearty but not healthy in the least! . . . → Read More: Hangover Burger or Heart Attack on a Plate
By Eliot, on April 24th, 2014%
A biscuit recipe, honey-balsamic strawberries, strawberries in the garden and a new foodie read…….. . . . → Read More: Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake (sort of)
By Eliot, on February 17th, 2012%
I recipe from a real live (old) cookbook. . . . → Read More: Angel Biscuits
By Eliot, on November 23rd, 2011%
Another Sweet Potato Breakfast. . . . → Read More: More Palooza Action: Sweet Potato Biscuits