Movies & Munchies Round Up: The Shape of Water

I hosted The Shape of Water for the Movies & Munchies September feature. If you haven’t seen The Shape of Water, it is odd. I mean, it’s a Guillermo del Toro film. (Enough said.) The leading man is a sea monster (Doug Jones) à la Creature from the Black Lagoon and the ingenue (Sally Hawkins) . . . → Read More: Movies & Munchies Round Up: The Shape of Water

Egg Salad for The Shape of Water and Movies & Munchies

Our Movies & Munchies film for this month was The Shape of Water. I was inspired by the egg munching monster. . . . → Read More: Egg Salad for The Shape of Water and Movies & Munchies

Movies & Munchies Announcement Post: The Shape of Water

Well aren’t we just the quirky bunch over at Movies & Munchies. This year we have watched, reviewed and been inspired by some really eclectic films: Hidden Figures, Best in Show, The Glass Onion, and most recently, The Road. Let’s continue on our quirky food-inspired film journey with The Shape of Water.

Way back . . . → Read More: Movies & Munchies Announcement Post: The Shape of Water

A Difficult Movies & Munchies Post

Some delicious salsa recipes for a very hard subject matter. Movies & Munchies watched The Road for August. . . . → Read More: A Difficult Movies & Munchies Post

Caramelized Onion-Bourbon Jam for Glass Onion

…and Movies & Munches. Here’s a great “jam” that would work on most anything. Appetizer? Check. Burgers? Check. On a charcuterie board? Check. Or, just eat it out of the jar. . . . → Read More: Caramelized Onion-Bourbon Jam for Glass Onion

Macadamia Nut Cookies with Dark Chocolate and Cherries

This recipe is for the June edition of Movies & Munchies for Best in Show. . . . → Read More: Macadamia Nut Cookies with Dark Chocolate and Cherries

Apple Cream Tart for Movies & Munchies

May’s Movies & Munchies feature film is Mr. Church. Wendy from A Day in the Life on a Farm is hosting. Keep reading for this recipe which features an olive oil crust along with a creamy apple filling. . . . → Read More: Apple Cream Tart for Movies & Munchies

Olive Oil-Black Pepper Gelato for Movies & Munchies and Eat Pray Love

Here’s the belated announcement for this event, my contribution and the round-up—all in one. Join me for April’s Movies & Munchies’ feature film, Eat Pray Love. . . . → Read More: Olive Oil-Black Pepper Gelato for Movies & Munchies and Eat Pray Love

Cookies with a Kick for Hidden Figures and Movies & Munchies

The March film for Movies & Munchies is Hidden Figures. Wendy from A Day in the Life of the Farm is hosting.

I had not seen this film so I was anxious to dig in. Mom and I watched it over Spring Break. I was glad that Wendy mentioned there wasn’t a lot of food . . . → Read More: Cookies with a Kick for Hidden Figures and Movies & Munchies

(500) Days of Summer and Swedish Meatballs

There wasn’t a lot of foodie inspiration in this month’s Movies & Munchie feature. I was inspired by the Ikea scene. If you haven’t seen this movie, it is a a cute, clever and poignant film about relationships. (Notice I didn’t say it was a rom-com.) . . . → Read More: (500) Days of Summer and Swedish Meatballs