What I’m reading….

If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of all over the place with my posts recently. There was the retro rant about days gone by and a book slamming review. I’ve also been revisiting old drafts and trying to rework them to see the light of day.

I’m reading more and more in the evenings . . . → Read More: What I’m reading….

Books for Foodies: The Chefs

I’m highlighting a few chef-authors today in my last holiday bookish post. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: The Chefs

Books for Foodies: Some Fiction

I am continuing my book-gift-giving-theme with some foodie fiction. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: Some Fiction

Books for Foodies: More Memoirs

Today is a continuation with my book-themed gift recommendations. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: More Memoirs

Books for Foodies: The First Annual Christmas Edition

I am going to take a bit of time this holiday season to revisit my culinary slanted book shelf and share some holiday gift ideas. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: The First Annual Christmas Edition

What to read and catch up on…

Spring Break does hold a small get-a-way for us but no big trip as in the past. (See New Orleans and San Antonio for past trips.)

This year is going to be low key so I can catch up on a lot of reading.

Currently, I am finishing The Unprejudiced Palate: Classic Thoughts on Food . . . → Read More: What to read and catch up on…

There is always time for tea (but sometimes not much else).

My thoughts on “Lunch in Paris” by Elizabeth Bard, the latest Cook the Books club read. . . . → Read More: There is always time for tea (but sometimes not much else).