By Eliot, on February 4th, 2025%
If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of all over the place with my posts recently. There was the retro rant about days gone by and a book slamming review. I’ve also been revisiting old drafts and trying to rework them to see the light of day.
I’m reading more and more in the evenings . . . → Read More: What I’m reading….
By Eliot, on December 21st, 2017%
I’m highlighting a few chef-authors today in my last holiday bookish post. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: The Chefs
By Eliot, on December 15th, 2017%
I am continuing my book-gift-giving-theme with some foodie fiction. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: Some Fiction
By Eliot, on December 9th, 2017%
Today is a continuation with my book-themed gift recommendations. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: More Memoirs
By Eliot, on December 3rd, 2017%
I am going to take a bit of time this holiday season to revisit my culinary slanted book shelf and share some holiday gift ideas. . . . → Read More: Books for Foodies: The First Annual Christmas Edition
By Eliot, on March 14th, 2016%
Spring Break does hold a small get-a-way for us but no big trip as in the past. (See New Orleans and San Antonio for past trips.)
This year is going to be low key so I can catch up on a lot of reading.
Currently, I am finishing The Unprejudiced Palate: Classic Thoughts on Food . . . → Read More: What to read and catch up on…
By Eliot, on May 25th, 2011%
My thoughts on “Lunch in Paris” by Elizabeth Bard, the latest Cook the Books club read. . . . → Read More: There is always time for tea (but sometimes not much else).