Very Veggie Pasta Salad

This recipe is a great side for cookout! . . . → Read More: Very Veggie Pasta Salad

Carrots: Our first crop from the garden

We didn’t have quite as many as last year, but we were able to add a carrot salad to our Fourth of July feast. . . . → Read More: Carrots: Our first crop from the garden

Operation Blackberry: Day one and two

Keep reading for numerous recipes as we begin our assault: cobbler, Thyme-Blackberry Jam, and Blackberry Syrup . . . → Read More: Operation Blackberry: Day one and two

Perusing a recipe closely (or here we go again)

Since I screwed up my last attempt at “Pasta with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Fresh Basil”, I wanted to give it another shot. . . . → Read More: Perusing a recipe closely (or here we go again)

Rushing through a recipe…or “Flirtin’ with Disaster”

The best laid plans…. A recipe for disaster! . . . → Read More: Rushing through a recipe…or “Flirtin’ with Disaster”

Sittin’ on the patio, sippin’ sangria

Does this sound like the beginnings of a Jimmy Buffet song? For a killer sangria recipe, keep on readin’. . . . → Read More: Sittin’ on the patio, sippin’ sangria

Snacks on the Patio

Another recipe to aid me in using my monster rosemary: Rosemary Spiced Almonds . . . → Read More: Snacks on the Patio

Black Bean Hummus

A super easy dip that can be whipped up quickly. . . . → Read More: Black Bean Hummus

The last leg of our journey…

Some KC restaurant reviews, a beer story, and a banana cookie recipe. . . . → Read More: The last leg of our journey…

Fun and food with family

Our yearly pilgrimage to Seed Savers and a picnic lunch with family. Recipes for a great sandwich roll or hamburger bun. . . . → Read More: Fun and food with family